The KATS Policy Committee includes the elected officials from the local cities, villages, and townships within the Metropolitan Planning Area, along with appointees from the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County, the Central County Transit Authority, Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority, Van Buren County Board of Commissioners, and Western Michigan University.
Policy Committee meetings are typically held at the City of Kalamazoo’s Metro office, located at 530 N. Rose Street Kalamazoo, Michigan, starting at 9:00 a.m. Please contact KATS at (269) 343-0766 or by e-mail at info@katsmpo.org to confirm meeting date and time prior to attending.
Agendas are available one week prior to a meeting.
Policy Committee Officers
Curtis Aardema
Central County Transportation Authority
Policy Committee ChairpersonJeff Sorensen
Supervisor, Cooper Charter Township
Policy Committee Vice-ChairpersonRob Britigan
Mayor City of Parchment
Policy Committee TreasurerParticipating Agencies
Michigan Department of Transportation
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners
Van Buren County Board of Commissioners
Road Commission of Kalamazoo County
Van Buren County Road Commission
KATS Citizens Advisory Committee
Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority
Central County Transportation Authority
Van Buren Public TransitCity of Kalamazoo
City of Parchment
City of Portage
Village of Augusta
Village of Lawton
Village of Mattawan
Village of Paw Paw
Village of Richland
Village of Schoolcraft
Village of Vicksburg
Almena Township
Brady Township
Charleston Township
Comstock Township
Cooper Township
Kalamazoo Township
Oshtemo Township
Pavilion Township
Paw Paw Township
Prairie Ronde Township
Richland Township
Ross Township
Schoolcraft Township
Texas Township
Wakeshma Township -
The Technical Committee membership primarily consists of the technical staffs of the local governmental agencies. The Technical Committee serves as an advisory committee to the KATS Policy Committee. Transportation projects that are considered by the Policy Committee typically begin at the Technical Committee level.
Technical Committee Bylaws, adopted 8/30/23
Technical Committee meetings start at 9:30 a.m. and are held at Metro offices, 530 N. Rose Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Agendas are available one week prior to a meeting.
Technical Committee Officers
Jodi Stefforia
Planning Director
Oshtemo Charter Township
Technical Committee ChairAnna Horner
Public Works Director
Oshtemo Township
Technical Committee Vice-chair*For contributed service efforts and monthly cost summary reporting, please click the Time Reporting tab below.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) of the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study (KATS) provides citizens and organizations within the Metropolitan Planning Area the opportunity to explore and discuss transportation issues and to provide input to KATS related to the development of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and other transportation projects and services.
CAC Member Application
CAC Bylaws Approved 9-30-2015Meetings of the Citizens Advisory Committee are open to the public. Agendas are available one week prior to a meeting.
The Kalamazoo Transportation Study Time Activity and Cost Report for FY 2025 is now available.
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Since KATS now receives a consolidated planning grant (FHWA and FTA combined), the FY 2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) also consolidated work group items.
The new work group numbers and examples of eligible activities are listed below.
Development of agency capital programs as part of identification of federal-aid projects for the Transportation Improvement Program
Consult with others to develop capital and operating programs
Financial cost and revenue projections for future federal road improvements
Public information and involvement activities for federal-aid projects (pre-construction)
Specific meetings to address the amending of the Transportation Improvement Program as necessary, separate from Technical and Policy Committee meetings
Development of the Fiscal Year 2025 Unified Planning Work Program (identification of future efforts to be used at match to the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study program)
Address Title VI requirements on required programs and projects
Provide assistance to agencies involved in development of plans and programs that impact federal aid system (brownfields, land use, etc.)
Identification of proposed bridges for the Local Bridge and Safety Programs
Working with Roadsoft and PMS data to identify projects using Asset Management principles
Using crash and other data to identify safety projects and to monitor the effectiveness of completed projects
Participation in Southcentral Traffic Safety Committee meetings
Identify areas of congestion and develop projects to reduce that congestion
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality project application development and Subcommittee meetings
Monitor the capital equipment of the Public Transportation system to help program replacements
Coordination of project development with local residents, units of government, transportation agencies and businesses.
Updating population and employment changes for the transportation demand model
Monitoring trends in development
Traffic and highway performance monitoring
System counts including volume, turning, classification, and others on the federal-aid system
Travel time studies
Maintaining the roadway inventory of traffic controls
Maintaining bridge condition inventories and using that information to develop project applications
Aerial imagery, Pictometry licensing, and GIS Parcel Updates
Participation in the development of Performance Based Planning and Programming measures and targets, data inventorying, and determination of additional data needs
Transit Data Collection including:
Monitoring of public transportation operations
Monitoring of public transportation performance and demand for service
Data collection program review of Kalamazoo Metro Transit and Metro County Connect
Public transportation system monitoring (Metro Fixed Route and Metro County Connect)
Ridership measurement and rider characteristics
Vehicle operation measurements
Vehicle service hours and miles
Vehicle revenue hours and miles
Ridership composition
Performance measurements
Data required for the PTMS supported by MDOT
Measurement of “No-Shows” (Metro County Connect)
Socio-Economic Study data collection
National Transit Database (NTD) Reporting Review (Metro)
Work on non-motorized planning efforts
Development and Updates of local Complete Streets policies
Planning activities including local master/land use plans and updates
Monitoring and Updates to the KATS Complete Streets Policy (as needed)
Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) programs
Highway system surveillance and reporting
Road corridor and intersection studies
Access management activities
Corridor studies
Intersection analysis
Pavement markings and signage inventories
Identification of key access management techniques
Traffic impact studies on federal-aid system
Transit Long Range Planning Activities including:
Public transportation system route performance analysis (on-time performance reports)
Operations analysis (transfer studies, route productivity, schedule adherence)
Comprehensive Routing Analysis implementation of recommendations, as needed
Title VI Update
NTD Reporting
Review of coordinated human resources plan for public transportation
A range of transit analysis studies jointly undertaken by the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the transit properties (KATS)
Coordination assistance with transition of transportation authorities to Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority
Public transportation demand studies
Public transportation operational and route studies
Data collection for transit model portion of Travel Demand Model
Other development and transportation studies
Work to integrate safe and accessible options for multiple travel modes within the planning process
Work to incorporate a Complete Streets prioritization plan within the MTP that identifies a specific list of Complete Streets projects to improve the safety, mobility, or accessibility of a street
Review and update the Non-motorized Component of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan as needed
Integrate non-motorized transportation into scenario planning to address livability in the Metropolitan Planning Area
Review and revise the Complete Streets Policy as needed
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