Survey Results

The results for the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Transportation Survey are available at the following link: 2045 MTP Transportation Survey Summary. Participants were asked to provide comments to Questions 1, 8, and 9 (refer below). Responses to these questions are available as a 28 page document at the following link:  2045 MTP Survey Comments.Question 1: In your opinion, what’s is the biggest transportation issue facing the Kalamazoo area?Question 8: In your opinion, what is the most important improvement that can be made to our transportation system in the next 0-5 years (Short Term)?Question 9:  In your opinion, what is the most important improvement that can be made to our transportation system in the next 5 to 25 years (Long Term)?


Proposed Amendments to the FY 2014-2017 TIP


Transportation Funding in Michigan