2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Call for Projects

KATS is extending the deadline for Metropolitan Transportation Plan Projects until August 14.As part of the development of the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, member agencies are asked to complete an application for all planned, anticipated, or illustrative transportation projects within the KATS Planning Area. Projects should reflect an agency's current five year capital improvement program (CIP) regardless of funding sources.As an example- A road agency should fill out an application for each of the projects in their five year CIP.  Once past the identified projects of the agency's CIP, please submit projects that will make a network change, whether planned or illustrative.  Some examples of projects that would make a network change: Road diets, expansion, new facility, corridor level ITS.  It is not feasible to plan beyond the Capital Improvement Program for roadway resurfacing.  Agency's are asked to put their effort into applications for those projects that will have an impact on the network.The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan provides the foundation for the development of the Transportation Improvement Program.  Please refer to the 2045 Project Ranking process (Link) and the 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Link)  for more information regarding the application.  Please save the form as the name of the project, i.e. "2025 Westnedge Avenue."Email all project forms to marndt@katsmpo.org. Direct any questions regarding the application process to sstepek@katsmpo.org2045 MTP Project Concept Statement


Policy Committee


Notice of Cancellation