REMOTE KATS Technical Committee Meeting Thursday, June 11, 2020

Public bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act are authorized to continue electronic meeting participation during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic under Governor Whitmer's Executive Order 2020-75.

The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Technical Committee meeting will be held remotely on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. via this link to Microsoft Teams Video or Conference Call Dial In.

Dial In Number: 1-947-207-1273

Conference ID: 638 648 874 #

Meeting materials related to the agenda may be found at the following link:

June Technical Meeting Materials

Agenda Items

  • Minutes from May 14, 2020

  • Federal Highway Administration Cost Based Amendment Proposal

  • KATS Comment Letter on Cost Based Amendment Proposal


REMOTE Policy Committee Meeting June 24, 2020


Request for Proposals- Audit Services