Remote Technical Committee Meeting October 8, 2020

Public bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act are authorized to continue electronic meeting participation during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic under Governor Whitmer's Executive Order 2020-154 along with the extension of Michigan’s State of Emergency via Executive Order 2020-186.

The Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Technical Committee meeting will be held remotely on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. via this link to Microsoft Teams Video or Conference Call Dial In.

Dial In Number: 1-947-207-1273
Conference ID: 566 694 476 #

Meeting materials related to the agenda may be found here:

Technical October Meeting Materials

Agenda Items

  • Minutes from September 10, 2020

  • FY 20-23 Transportation Improvement Program Amendments

  • Goals and Objectives for Metropolitan Transportation Plan

  • FY 21 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment Schedule

    Public notice of public involvement activities, meetings and time established for public review and comments on the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) will satisfy the Program of Projects (POP) requirements for the following grantees: The Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority, the Central County Transportation Authority and Van Buren Public Transit.


Remote Policy Committee Meeting October 28, 2020


REMOTE Policy Committee Meeting September 30, 2020